*Deep Dive Workshop*
Audio pre-production for large custom configured venues is always a challenge. The mix cannot be made onsite because it’s always busy and in regular audio production fascicles like studios and with headphones the loudspeaker formats normally just match to standard formats like Stereo, 5.1, and 7.1.4. Another issue is how to check and play it finally onsite. What kind of master is requested. The workshop will offer an example and workflow how deal with and solve all this issues.

Tom Ammermann | founder, general manager, and visionary behind New Audio Technology
Dieser Workshop findet inhaltlich aufbauend auf die Keynote von Tom Ammermann statt (es ist jedoch nicht erforderlich, an beiden Programmpunkten teilzunehmen). // Info: This workshop builds on the content of Tom Ammermann’s keynote (however, it is not necessary to attend both parts of the program).
Für die Anmeldung zu diesem Angebot ist ein Insights-Ticket erforderlich. // Note on participation: An Insights ticket is required to register for this offer.

Event Timeslots (2)
INSIGHTS-Programm Empfehlung
Deep Dive Workshop | Tom Ammermann
How to train a Spatial Audio Dome
LEaT Academy Space 2
Deep Dive Workshop | Tom Ammermann
How to train a Spatial Audio Dome